District Magistrate, Chaukidari Chakaran Lands, Zamindar

An Act to provide for the appoitlrrtlenr, dismissal a~~dnrairzt~t~ar~ce oJ
WHERFASit is expedient to make provision for’hc appointment, Prrmblr.
dismissal and maintenanceofvillage-chaukidars in the provinces subject
lo the Lieutenant-GovcmorOF BengalJ;
It is enacted as follows:-

  1. The following words md oxpressions shall. in he consbwction Dcfinilions.
    of this Ac!, havc Lhc several meanings hcrcby assigned to dtem
    respectively, excepr wherc a dirfcrcnt intention shalI appear from thc
    contcxl (that is say):-
    Ihcwords ‘[“District Magistrare”] shdl mean the chief oficerchargcd “District
    with [he executive administration of a district in criminal matters by
    whatsoever designation such ofhccr is called:
    ‘This Acr should be red with section 4 and Sch.I or the West Bmgal Parlclmaf Act, 1957 (Wcsl Ben. Act I of 1957). ‘LEGISLEPA~.-Fo~Slatenrnl of Objects and Raons,see heCalcrrrfa Gdzerre
    or 1870. page 357: md For prrwcedingsin Council, see ibid. Supplcmen~1870, pngcr 53.
  2. 305, 333. 349, 365 and 355.
    hu-rurr.-Thii Act applies to distric~sand subdivisionsin Wcst Bcngal to which
    il is cxrcndcd bv order under section 68.
    The whole kc[ cxccpi the preamble md sections 1. 48 ro 61, 66.67 md 69 rind
    Sckdules Cand Dax rcpdcd by Ben. Ac1 V or 1919 in anasin which thr Acd is in
    This includes he prcscni Sure or West Bengnl and other ~crritoty.
    ‘TkW& weni substitu~cdfor thc words “Mqistrnre of Ihc Distric~”by s. 1(2)
    of Lhc Bcngd1 Villngc Clraul;idoti (A~ncndmcnl)Acl, 1892 [Ben. Act Iof 1892).
    ‘Thc dc6nilion of “Magistnre” warepdcd by s. 1(1), ibirl.Tlie Village Chaukjdari Acr, 1870.
    Thcwords “chnrkidari clrakaral~lands” shall mcan lands which may
    Iands.” have been assigned, orherwise than under a lemporary se~llerncnt,far ~hc
    main~enanceof [he officerwho may have been bound to keepwatch in any
    village and report crime lo the police, and in rcspect to which such officer
    may be at the lime of lhc passing ofthis Acl liable ID render service to a
    mrnirlnr; bbZc~li~~(Iar. ” the word “zarnindar” shall mcan the person whose name isrcgisrcrcd
    in thc gcneral regisler of estates paying rcvcnue dircclly lo Government
    as lhe proprielorof an cstatcsopaying revenue,or (he pcrson whosc name
    is regislered in the general register of rcnt-frcc tenurcs as proprielor of a
    rent-free tenure.
  3. [Repeal ofportion of Regvlariotr XXof 1817.1-Rep. by s. 3 orrd
    the Secotrd Scf~edzrleof ;he Berlgai Repealing arid Atlrerfdi~rgAcr, 1938
    (Be~r.Act I of 1939).
    3 to 35. [Appoillttrlet~tof panchayats; delega~iotlof powers by rlre
    Ilist ricr Mngisrr-are; power ro dcfire a village; power ro appoit~rt~ler~l
    pancl~aya~onapp~icutio~r of villagers;rrrccerriorrofi~lerrrberofpanchayal;
    qrralificoriorr of nrer~ibersof panchayat; petralv 011 refrrsitrg to act as
    111er)rberof panchayal; period for 11711iclrpanchayni ro be appoit~ted;
    exe~t~priotr Jrutrl servillg OII panchayal; appoifn~enr offt.esh panchayal; po~vrrlo retfloveimrhers; rrrr~l~ber ojchaukidars;salaries of chaukidars;
    savitrg uJ crristitrg salaries of chaukidars; salaries to be provided by
    assessrrrerlt;persorlsliabletoassessnienr;rlarrlreat~dantoutrr ofassessn~etrr;
    rim ar~dform of assessnletrt;’power to co~rti~~rre fornrer assesstrretrt;
    driraI iorl of assess111errt; power to review assesstset1r; District Magi,~;mte
    may rivise assesstrletrt;rare payable qrrarterlyirr advat~cre;allowawcefor
    collecri~rgrare; cotrstirrrrio~rof Chaukidari Fund; applicatior~of srirpl~rs;
    pqteetrt of i~uraltaenrfo be ?trade~vitl~itt sever1 days; list of defaulters ro
    betr~adeorrr;po~verrodistrait~ forrafes;nrmrtrerofexecrrting disrress;sule
    it]e.recstioti of wwrrrrtlr: objecriotu tu levy how lo be made; crrsrody of
    property distraitled; bvllar propeny trray be distmirled for rarer; disfress
    riot ro be levied after aymr; appoit~rn,etlrarid distnissal ofchaukidars.]-
    Rep. by s. 4(l)arld Firs1Sclredrrle of the IVestBetrgal PanchayalAct, 1957
    [WesrBell. Acr I of 1957).

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