Re-enacting Act, The West Bengal Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Act,

All Acr ro re-enacl IIIE WPSIBc11ga1LAIIII (R~qiiisilio?~al~d,lcrlltisiriotr)
Acr, 1948.
\Vcsi Bcn. WHEREASit iscxpedient to re-cnac~heWes! Bengul hnd(Requisilion
Act 11 or
193H. and Acquisition) Act, 1948,for the purposes and in the manner hereinaf~er
11 is hcreby enacted in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Republic of
lndin, by dle Legisla~urcof Wes~Bengrrl, as follows:-
I. (I) This Act rnny be called lhe West Bengal Land (Requisition
and Acquisilion) Re-enacting Act, 1977.
(3) [L shall be deemed lo have come in10 force on [he Isr day of
April. 1977.

  1. Thc West Bengal Land (Requisition and Actluisilion) Act, 1948,
    as in forcc on the 31st day OF March. 1977 (l~ereinar~crreferred to as
    [he said Act), is hereby re-enaclcd subject to the modification thnl for
    sub-section (4) of section 1, thc lollowing sub-section shall besubstitu~ed,
    “(4) TI shall remain in force until [he 31s~day of March, 1979.”.
  2. (1) The West Bengal Land (Requisition and Acquisilion) Re-
    AC111 or
    \Vcrl Bc~i.
    Ord. Xltl of
  3. enacting Ordinance, 1977, is hereby repealed.
    (2) No~withstandingsuch repeal, ilnylhing done or deemzd to have
    been done or any nclion laken or dcenlcd 10 Ilave been taken induding
    any rule or ordcr made or deemed to have bee11made, any requisilion
    and acquisi~ionmade or deemed ID havc been made, any nuricc issued
    or deemed to have been issued, any campcnsarion determincd or deemed
    to have been determined, any dircc~ion,award or decision givcn or
    deemed to have been given, any proceeding cornmcnced
    or dccmcd to have been commenccd, any application Tor reference
    made or deemed to have bccn made, any appeal prercrrcd or deemed
    snvlngs :\nd
    ‘For Slalcmcnt of Ohjccrs and Kcasons, see rhc C~rlcrrrrr~Gncflrc. hrrur~rrlina~,
    Part IV, of llic 16th Junc, 1977.Tlte Wesr Bst~gulLatrd (licqrrisr’tioriUIIC~Acqlti~-ir;u~r)
    Re-crrncri~lgACI, 1977.
    [West ECII.Act XVof 1377.1
    lo have been preferrcd, any right acquired or deemed to have bcen
    acquired, any liability or penally incurrcd or deemed to havc been
    incurred or my punishment awarded or dcerned ro have bcen awarded
    undcr the provisions of the said Act or of the said Act as rc-enaclcd by
    the West BcngaI Land (Requisirion and Acquisi~ion)Re-enacting w~R.
    ~~~jxlll Or
    Ordinnnce, 1977 or under ~hoprovisions of ihc said Ordinal~ce,as Itit:
    case may he, shall continue to be in force nnd shall be deerncd to have
    been validly done, taken, made, issued, detcrrnined, given, commenced,
    preferrcd. acquired, incurred or awaidcd. as the case may bc, under he
    corresponding provisions of thc said Act ns hereby re-enncred:
    Provided that nathing contained in [his seclion shall rendcr any
    person liable lo any punishment whuboever by reason of any~hingdone
    or omittcd 10be donc by I~jrnconuary 10 thc provjsions of the said Acl
    nftcr tlle 31st day ofMarch, 1977, and befort the date of publicarion
    of the West Bengal Land (Requisi~ionand Acquisition) Re-cnacling
    Ordinance. 1977. in the Oflci(11 Gazcrre.

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