Limits of Original Civil Jurisdiction

An Act to declare otld prescribe llte Iir~ritsof llie ordirlary orig-
irlal civil jurisdicriorr of ~lreHigh Court of hrdicarrrre at Fort William
it] Ber~gal.
WHEREAS clausc 11 of lhc Lellers Parenl Tor the High Court of
JudicaLure at Fort William in Bcngal, datcd the 28th Decembcr, 1865,
provides that hesaid High Court shall have and cxercise ordinary
original civil jurisdiction within such local lirnils as may from lime to
time bc dcclared and prescribed by any law madc by competent leg-
islalivc authority for India;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient so lo declarc and prescribe thc
local limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of the said High
It is hereby cnacred as rollows :-
I. This Acr may bc callcd thc Calcuira High Coun (Jurisdicrion- shon .

  1. Thc ordinary original civil jurisdjction of the High Courl of Limilsof
    al Limiis) Act, 1919.
    origind civil
  • or din^
    Judicature at Fort Willjam in Bcngal shall be excerciscd wilhin he
    limik sct out in lhc schedulc :
    Providcd hat norhing in this Act shall affect any suit or orher
    lcgal proceeding pending in any Court at rhc dale of Ihc.commcncc-
    ment or this Act.
    (See seclion 2.)
  1. The limits within which the ordinary original civil jurisdic-
    lion of !he High Courl shall be exercised are as follows :-
    hbrtl~.-A line commencing on the weslern side of thc river
    Hooghly at a point wherc hesmight line joining reference pillar No.
    I (in a compound on the river sidc of the Ghusri Corton Mill, Howrah)
    and rcfcrcnce pillar No. Il (near thc south-rvcslern end of Chilpur Toll
    Bridge) meets [he weslcrn watcr-line of thc river Hooghly, and thence
    along the said line ro hepoinr where it mcels the caqrern water-line
    of [he river Hooghly near the soulh bank of he opcning 01 Circular
    Canal; thcnce along the warer-line of Ihe south bank of Circular Canai
    passing under [heChilpur Toll Bridgc, the Chiipur or Baghbaz~Bridge
    lo boundary pillar A on rhc eastern side of thc southern pile of
    Barrackporc Bridge.
    Easr.–A Iinc commencing from lhc said boundary pillar A
    following lhc cmtcrn cdge of thc bridge to a point ncar [he south-
    castern corncr of the immediate approach to the bridge marked
    ‘kcls~mnPARR.-For Ihc Stolcmcnl of Objccrs and Rmons. see thc Gazctre
    oflndia. PI.V. pagc 74. and ror Proceedings in Council, .tee. ibid, 1919, PI.VI.pagcs 876
    and 877 and pagcs 1101 md 1102.640 The Colcuna High Court (~urisdicrionaiLimits)
    Act, 1919.
    (The Schedule.)
    byreferenccpillarILI,which is onthe boundary;rhence by aslaright Iine
    lo boundary pillar B an hesouth-easlern comer of hejunction of
    Comwallis Streel and Galif Slreet (now markcd with a Public Works
    Department stone); thence alongthe eastern side and the eastern side of
    the castern pavemen1 of Cornwallis Sheer in a scrics of regular links
    joining marked by posts 1-3 to boundarypillar C a1 the north corner of
    rhe junction Sharnbazar Streel with Comwallis Street; thence by a
    straight line 10 boundary pillar D on Ulc solid south comer of thc said
    junction; hence in approximately straight line along [hc solid easicm
    side of Uppcr Circular Road marked by posls 4-9; lhcnce eastward
    following the comer round lo boundary pillar E on he north comer of
    thejunction of theunnamed road(which runs intoJadu Nath MitraLanc)
    with Upper circular Road; and rhence by a straigh~linc to boundary
    pillar Fat the solid south comer of thejunction of Jadu Nath Mitra Lanc
    with Upper CircularRoad; thence by pus& 10-13to boundary pillar G
    on the solid south comer of the junction of Ultadingi Road with Upper
    Circular Road;hence along hesolid southside of Ultadingi Road in a
    series of continuous and approximately straight lines joining poinls
    marked by posr 14-16 lo boundary pillar Hal hcsolid western comer
    of Ihc junction of Ulkdingi Road and Gauribere Lane; ihencc by the I
    solid western side of Gauribere Lane marked by posts 17-21;thcnce by
    a straigh~line crossing the’road diagonally lo boundary pillar Lon he
    solid south-castern comer of the junction of Gouribere Lanc and I
    UItadingi JuncrionLane;thencealong the solid eastern side of Ultadingi !
    Junction Lancmarked by posls 22-24 lo boundary pillar I on the solid
    westerncornerofthejunction ofultadingi Junuon Lanewith Halsibagan
    Road; thence by a’siraight Iine lo post 25 a1 hesolid western comer of
    the said junction; thence dong hesoIid north side of Halsibagan Road
    marked by post 26 to boundarypillar K on the nonhside of Halsibagan
    Road direcrly opposite hesolid eastern side of Upper Circular Road
    soulh of il; thence by a slraight line to post 27 at hesolid souh comer
    of hejunction of Halsibagan Road wih Upper Circular Road; lhcnce
    by the solid eastern side of Upper CircularRaod rrkkedby posts 28-34
    ta post 35; Lhcnce turning easi lo boundary pillar Lon the north side of
    Maniktola Road; thence by a straight line to post 36 at the southcomer
    ofLhejunclion of ManiktolaRoad wilh Upper CircularRoad a1Ihc nod-
    westerncomer of the garden of Kali PdaBarik;hencealonghecastern
    sideofthelaneon theeasternsideof theraiscdplatform road and marked
    by posls 3749to boundary pillar M at Ihc solid nonh corner of the
    junction of Gas Stree~andUpper Circular Road; hence byascraight line.

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