Land, Rent, Tenant, Landlord, Tenancy, Estate, Land Revenue, Rate of cesses,
Village cess, Jagirdar, Agricultural, Improvement

ACT No. 14 OF 1956.
An Act to amend the Andhra Praclesh Tenants and
Ryots Protection Act, 1979.
Be it enacted by tllc bgislative Assembly of the
Statc ofAndhra Pradesh in the Thiriy-seventh Ycar of
the Republic of India as follows:
I. This Act may be called thc Andhra Pmdrsh ,,,, t,ta
Tenants ar~dRyors Protection (A~nend~ncr?t)Act.

  1. h the Andh1.a sl’radesh Tenants and RYO~SAmendrnCnt
    Protcciion Act, 1979, (heriinafrcr I.[ fi rr1:d to as the of section I.
    Act 6 of1979,
    principaI Act), in section I, in sub-section (4) for
    the expression “the 7th October, 1981” tlze expression
    “the 7th Octobcr, 7988” shall bc and ~1~1116;: dicmcd
    always to have bscrl substihited.
  2. For ehe ~*emovaIof doubts, it is I~+-rcbydcic- vnliaation.
    Iarcd that the provisions of the prirwijpd Act nnd of
    all notifications, orders and rules is~ul’d or madl:
    thw- under and in forcl: ii~uncdiatzly bcforz t-h~:
    7th October, 1981, shall co~~tinueto be in fow: af’t~r
    that date until amended, varied or rcscindod, as if
    such provisions were made under the principal Act
    as amendcd by this Act and mything done or any
    action taken (including any orders issued or prowed-
    ings initiated) in pui-sun= of rhosc provisiolls on or
    after the 7th Octobzr, 1981 and bchrc the commence-
    ment of this Act shall bc as valid aud operative as if
    it had been done or take11 in aecol-dance with lew.
    *Received Ihc assent of t hc President on
    18th June, 1986. For Statement
    of O&C~md.Rasons, phseSec the At~dliraPradesl~Gozelte, Fatt TV-A,
    Extraordiuuy,datcd the 12th Septcmbcr, 1985.

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