Internal Security, Militant Activity, Organized Crimes, Terrorist Activities,
Cyber Crimes, Moral Turpitude, Police District, Police Officer, Public Place,
Superintending Post, Cattle, Rebel

That, promotion and respect of the human rights of individual and protection
of their civil, political, social, economic- and cultural rights is the first
responsibility of the law;
And ,that, it is the constitutional responsibility of the state to provide an
impartial and capable police services for the protection of the interests of the
weaker section of the society including the minorities and respect the
democratic sentiments of the citizens;
And, that, for such a purpose it is necessary that the police personnel are
professionally organized, service oriented free from outside influences and
accountable to the law;
And, that, keeping in view the challenges emerging before the police and the
security of the state, administration of good governance and the respect of
the human rights ,it is necessary to redefine the role of the police, their
duties and responsibilities;
And, that, it is necessary to appropriately strengthen the police so that it is
capable of working as an efficient ,effective, people friendly and
accountable agency;
Therefore, to provide for the establishment and management of the police
service, now, it is necessary that a new law is enacted as follows. Be it enacted by Bihar State Legislature in the Fifty-eighth year of the
Republic of India.

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