Betterment Fee, The Board, Building Line, The Calcutta Municipality,
Chairman, The Corporation, Improvement Scheme, Land, Municipal
Assessment-Book, Secretary to the Board, Tribunal, Trustee

An Act to provide for the irrrproverrrent otld ex-patuiotr oJCnlcurm.
WHEREASit is expedient ro make provision for [he improvemen1
and expansion ofCalculra by opening up congested areas, laying out
or altering streets, providing open spaces for purposes of ventilation
execuring housing schemesand schemes for the rehousing of persons
displaced by the execukion of improvement schemes, acquiring land
for the said purposes and all works relaling thereto], and otherwiseas
ANDWHEREAS it is expedient [hat a Board ofTrustees should be
constituted and invesled ‘with special powers for carrying out rhe
objects of [his Act;
55 and 56
ANDWHEREAS thc sanction of the Governor-Gcncral has been
obtained. under section 5 of [he Indian Councils Acl, 1892, to the
provisions of this Act, which affect Acts passed by ~heGovernor-
General of India inCouncil;
AND\VHEREAS the sanction of rheGovemor-General has also been 24 md 25
obtained, under section 43 of the Indian Councils Act, 1861, to the zj51.n
enactment of the provisions of Chapter V OF this Act. relating to
It is hereby enac,redas follows :-
(FOOI-II~I!~ I ct~firtecl J~OIII previ~).~ pnge c1~~111d~d.J
LOCALEKIEN1.-This ACL(except srcrions 82 ID 86)cxrcndr only lo the Calcuita
Municipality-Sce scc~ionl(3).
Section 82 originnlly cxrcnded rhroughuui Bcngal as cons~i~utcdin thl: year 191 1.

  1. L’.. 1-
    (I I thl: rorrner Pmvincc of Bcngal zxccp~Eaicrn Bcngd. md
    (1)the Province or Bihar and Orissa.
    This srclion has sincc hrcn cxrended 10 Ejsrcrn Bcngal by ihc Rcngal Laws Aci.
    1914 (Hen. Acr Ior 1914). s,3. Sch. I.
    Section 8.1 cxlcnds 1-
    (I) railway statiuns in thc Calcutra and Howrnh Municipnliiics, and
    (2) ccnain landing-place>in ihc Port of Calcuri;!:
    Sccrion 84 cxlcnds ru ihc Port or Czlculta:
    Sccrion 1;s catends lo Calcuira:
    Scction 86 has the sanw local cxwni as 5rurions 82.83 and 84. So Tar iiafiects
    scclion 82. ithas bccn uxrcndcd !n EaslrmBrngalby rhr: Bcngal Laws Acr. 19 14 (Ben.
    ACI Ioi 1914). s. 3. Sch. 1.
    Sevcnl sccrions or ihc Acl. (e.~..sccrions 40 10 52, 54 lu 56, 63, 66, 149. 163,
    167, 168) conrcrnplaic ~liatoprr;\lions or rhc Bnard of Trusires consiirutcd undur ir
    [nay hc carried on in arcLC beyond thc Colcul~aMunicipiilily. and sccrion l(3) givcs
    powr lo exiznd provisions or the Act ro such area.
    ‘Subslilured for rhc words “acquiring Imd for thc said purpliscs and lor rhc rc-
    housing nf person> or rhc pnorer i\nd working claqses displilusd by ihc cxccu~ionol
    inlprovernznr hchrn~cs”by s. 2 OC lhc Calculta llnprovemcnt (~rncndmen~) Act. 1955
    (Welt Bcn. Acr XXXII 1955).shofltitlc,
    men1 and
  2. (I) This Act may be called the Calcutta Improvement Act,
    191 1.
    (2) It shall come into force on such day’ as the ‘[stare Govern-
    ment] may,by notitication, direct.
    (3) Excepr asotherwisehereinafterpravided. thisAclshall extend
    only to [he Calcurta Municipali~y;but any provision which extends
    only to the Calcurta Municipality may be extended by the 2[~tate
    govern men^], entirely or in part,by notification,under the procedure
    prescribed by section 148. to any specifiedarea in [heneighbourhood
    of that Municipaliry.
  3. Inthis Act, unless there is anythingrepugnant in thesubjecror Dcfinitiunb.
    3(1a) “brttermcn~fee” means the Fee prescribed by section
    78A in respect of an increase in value of land
    resulring from the execu~ionof an improvement
    (n) “the Board” means [he Board of Trustees for ,the
    improvement of Calcut[a,constiluted under his
    ‘(an) “building line” means a line (in rear of the slreet
    alignmen!) up to which the main wall ofa building
    abu~tingon a projected public meet may lawfully
    5(b) “the Calcutta Municipality” means “Calcutta” as
    defined in clause (11) of sectian 5 of the Calculla
    Municipal Acl. 1951;

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