Code of Criminal Procedure, Warrant, Bail, Custody, Accused, Police

[First published, after having received the Mmt of’ the President in the
Gujarai.Government Gazette on the 15th November 1963.1.
An Act further to amend the Code of Criminal RrOcedure;11898, in ith a$#li.
cation to the State of Gujwat.
‘ hemby enacted in the, F,ourteenth,Year of the RypubJic of hdia as- ‘-

  1. This Act may be called the Code of’Criminal Procedure .{Gujarat ~mdd-Shorttitle,
    ment) Act. 1963.
  2. ,In sectidn 514.b;f tho Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, in its appkption a,,h,,
  3. to the State of Gujsiat, (hereln&cr referred to as “the said Code”). fpr wb-&\;zcy
    secft&~(~2′(~’aaB..(4),the,following shall be substitut8d. namely :- V of 18~8
    XV-E-83 (Liaol -, ..
    $ -‘”$w, 66~~’. .G&.; $X,NOVEMBER 16, 18831KARTIKA 24. ISE~
    . .??.
  • [PA&&
    “(2) If sdcimt ause h nd, . ?and the penalty i. not paid, the Court
    may promat to rvaver the ram. or both of the following ways. that
    is to say, it may –
    (a) issue a warrant for the 1kT~fYhe amount by attachment and sale of
    any moveable property belong& Shchperson;
    or immoveabIe r>ronertv. or both. of such aerson,
    manner in him
    . 4. r 5- .p
    warrants under sub-section (2), ciause”(a), are toh& ex uted dnd for the
    summary determindtibh ‘df 3iy olaids:dde’by @ ‘firson other than the ‘
  • persdzbound by the boriiT in’ resrject Zf any property amched in execution-of
    M ~ae~t$e~~&~brcmt m;y:$t+i’ &h
    such warrant. ,
    4 ,t ‘
    Proyjm tbt no such warrant shall be executed by the arrest or detention
    (4) [email protected] I~ufi,.&us k wrraqt tP \be CoUs;cfoj-mde~sub-section-I2), v ,f
    clause (b), such warrwt ha,be deeped So b,q a decree, Ad the Cullectorl~ to ke the decree-holder-, within the meaning of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and the nearest Civil ~oufib$ $ihibh affy decree for a like amount could be executed shall, for tho purposes of the said ‘code, be deemed to be the Court whicp~a&r&& d-&r8rh$dfall tBY proVisions bf.that coab as to’ dxecutbn of decrees shall ap-iatfy3′ ,’ A
    “I’ ‘”.
    (inprisqn of,the person. w bound.
    (4A) If such penalty is not paid and cannot be recovered in the manner
    state+ ~JI,sub-sectiop (z),the person so bound shall be liable, by order of the
    . . .,PI&ww ,order& the payment of the penalty,

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