Validation Act, Small Causes Court

Act to validate certain proceedings and
acts of the Cotrt of Small Causes of
WHEREASthe Court of Small Causes of Madras was
located at Tiruvallur outside the Presidency-town of
Madras from the 13th April 1942 to the 13th Junt:
1942, both days incllisive ;
AND WHEREAS doubts have consequently arisen 3s to
the validity of the proceedings and acts of the wid
Court during the period aforesaid ;
ANDWI~CREASit is expedient LOrail01e tliesc doubLb
and validate such proceedings and :tct : :
a; lt is hereby enacted as follows

  1. This Act may be called the Madras Court of >i:orttit~c.
    5111;lll Causcs (Va1id;ttion of ProccctLing) Act, 1943.
    1 Thee words were substituted for the word “Madras “by tllc
    Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969,asamended by theTamil
    Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Anlondrnent) Order, 1969.
    a For Statement 01’Ohjecls :mtl Reasons, see For1 St. Geor;~~’
    Gazette,doted the 9th March 1943, Part IV-B, pago 58.
    Thcso words were substituted for tho paragraph containing thq.
    enacting fornula and the paragraph preceding that paragraph by
    section 5 of the Timil Nndu Ro-enacting and Ropaaliag (No. I) Act,
    1948 (Tamil Nitdu Act VII of 1948).3
    CWWt of ~’r11nNCUUJCJ f19d :V.N. Act Vlt -” $#
    — – — .-
  2. All decrees and orders passed, all plaints, &itten . ‘
    (validatLtt oj~roceedinh)
    statements, applications, petitions and other doou-
    and~atof ments received, all proceedings taken, and all other
    aas and things done, by or before the Court of
    SmallCauses of Madras or any Judge or officer
    thereof, during the period Irorn the 13th A~ri)1942 to
    the 13th ~une-1942;both davs inclusiv~; shall he
    —- –,-‘——-.-I —- —
    deemed to have been vaiidlv –,~assed. ,.. ,_received. –— .taken ——- or–
    done, notwithstanding that the said Cowt was located
    olrtsidc the Presidency-town of Madras during the

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