Central Act Amendment, The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act,

An Act to amend the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat)
Applieaiioa Act, 1931 (Central Ad XXVI of 1937).
in its application to the 3[ State of Tamil Nadu].
one to amend the Muslim Personal
tion Act, 1937 (Cent -a1Act XXVI c.f
onto the a[State cf Tarnil Nadu] in
rr anp~aring; It is hereby enacted

  1. This Act may be called the Muslirn Personal Law sb,

t) App1ic Ition (‘[Tamil Nzdu] Amendment) Act

-. *-
1These words were substituted for the word “Madras ** by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
TamilNaduAdaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
For Statementof Objectsand Reasons, see,fiortSf.George Gazette,
ated the 3rd February 1948, Part IV-A, pages 54-55.
‘ This Act was extended to the Kanyakurdari district and the
uk of the Tirunelveli district by section 3 of, and the
to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Territory)Extension –
,196P (Tamil’Nadu Act 23 of 1960).
8 This expression was substituted for the expression ”Province
of Madras ‘* by,paragraph 3 (2) of the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of

Laws Order, 1970,

~rttitle,-.2 “. 30 ~usriinPeisonal Zuw 119492 P.N,AetXvflf (Shariat) Applicatiurr iiumii Nuau Amendment) a[Su?)~titu- 2. The MK’uslirnPersonal Law (Shariat) l[Applirtion]
tion of Act, 1937 (hereinafter referred to as the mid Act), sbau, in
new its application to the 2[Sta te of ‘Iia mil Nad~i],be amended
in the manner hereinafter provided.
3* For section 2 of the said Act, the following section
s~~ Act XXVI Applicaw of 1937.1shall be substituted, namely :- ‘12;Notwithstanding any custom or usage tc the.
tion contrary, in all questions regarding intestate succession,
, of Personal special property of females, including personal property
Law to inherited or obtained under contract or gift or any other
Muslims* provision of personal $w, marriage, dissolution of
marriage, including Talluq, Ila, Zihar, Eian, Xhula 2nd
Muburaat, maintenance, dowe:, guardianship, gifts, trusts
and trust properties and waWs the rule of decision in cases
where the parties are Muslims shall be the Muslim Per-
-sonal Law (Shariat).”

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