Wild Animals, Birds, Acclimatised Fish, Nilgiri District, Close Season, Game,
Control of Fishing

An Act to provide for the protection of
Game and Acclimatised fish in the , district of
the Nilgiris in the state of,Tamil Nadu].
WEBIREAS it is expedient b provide for the protection Preambie.
of wild animals and birds used for food and of acclimatised fish, and to prohibit the killing, capturing and
selling game and acclimatised fish in the district known
as the Nilgiris, as described in the Schedule hereto
appended, under certain conditions ; It is hereby
enadad as follows :-
I. This Act, may be called the Nilgiris Game Title and lord
and Fish Preservation Act, 1579 ; and it shall come extent.
into operation in the district aforesaid, or such parts
i 1 Them words were substituted for the word “Madras” by the
Tamil Nedu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, AS amended by I
L the Tamil NBdu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amondrnent) Order,
1969, which owe into force on the 14th January 1969.
1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Port St. George
Cf tte, 1878, Supplement, clntccl tho 2nd April 1878, p.2; for Report
oje Beleot Committee, see ibid, Supplornon(, clutod tho 26th Jllno
1878; end for Proceedings in Council, see ibid , Supplement, tlatod
the 24th April 1878; p.82, and ibid, dutod L11o 38th June 1878, and
fig, dated the 4th February 1879, p. 3. The Aot has been eupplemen~d by Act IV of 1897.
8 This ex mssion wan substituted for thelexpression “Madras
pmidenoy” ty the T:irnil Nodu Ad.rpttstion of Laws Order, 1970, whish was deemed to havo come into force on t.he 14th January
1969. 222 Nilgiris Game and [I8794 T.N. Ad II Fi8h Presewath
thereof, and from such dates as the =[State Government] 4
may from time to time deolare by notification in the
s[Official Gazette]. hterprcta- 2. In this Act the word “game” shall inolude
“Game tion*olaueok ” bison, sarnbhur, ibex, jungle-sheep, deer of all
descriptions, hares, jungle-fowl, pea-fowl, partridge,
quail, and spur-fowl, or such birds or animals as
the l[State Government] may deem fit to speoify
by notification from time to time in the s[Offioial
Gazette]. Power to fix 3. The *[State Government] may, by notZaation
~lose~~~on. in the a[Official Gazette], from time to time, fix a
season or seasons of the year during whioh it shall
not be lawful for any person to shoot at, kill, aapture, 1pursue or sell, or attempt to kill, capture or sell game,
as may be specified in such notication within the
district aforesaid I Proviso as to Provided that nothing in this Act contained shall
private lands. preclude ,proprietors or occupiers of land from adopting 4
suoh measures on such land as may be neqesmry
for the protection of crops or produce growing thereon.
Protrotionof 4. Whonover any animal, bird or fish useful for
snimal* birdor food, not indigenous to the district aforesaid, is fish not
indigon,. introduced into it with the approval of the &vernment
with a view to becoming acclimatised or being propgated therein it shall be lawful for the l[SCate Government] from time to time by notifiaation in the a[Offioial Gazette], to prohibit altogether, or to regulate in
such manner and for such period not exceeding three
years as may be declared in such notification, the
pursuit, killing or capture of suoh animal, bird or fish.

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