Council Dai, Midwife, Nurse, Auxiliary Nurse Dai, Register, Registered
Medical Practitioner, Doctor, Trained Dai

An act to provide for the registration and better training of
Nurses, Health Visitors, Midwives and dais in [Punjab].
WHEREAS, it isexpedient to provide for theregisbation ‘[and holding
of examinations] ofnurses, health visitors,midwives and dais in ‘[Punjab]
I. For Statcmcn~of Objects and Rcasons, scc PunjabGazcttc, I93 I,Pan V, pagcs 55-51, fo~
Report of thc Sclcct Committee, see Punjab Gazerre, 1932, Part V, pagcs 3-6. For
Proceedings in Council. ser lhc Punjab Ixgislativeruuncil Dcbatcs, Volume XX,pager.
59 and 174; Volumc XXI, pagcs 1 5 an6 748.

  1. For SlaremcotofObjccts and Rcx~ns,Sce the Punjab Gucttc. 1936,Part I, Pagc 1002
    and for Procttdings In Council. .FCC ~hcPunjab Lcgislalivc Cnunc~l,Dcbales, Volumc
    XXIX,paga 182-86.
  2. For Sratcrncnl ofOblccts and Rcasons, see Punjab Govcmmcnt Gmcrtc.Exlnordinary
    dates 4th Novcmber, 1953. pp. 1309-10: Tor proceedings in Asscmbly .ice Punjab
    Lcgislativc AsscmbIy Dcbatcs, 1153.
  3. .Substituted for rhc words”~xtPunjab” byrhc Adaplalion ofLaws(Third Amcndrncnt)
    Ordcr, 1951.
    5, Insencd by Punjab Act No.XVIof 1953. Scction 2.
  4. For Starcrncnt of0bjcc1sand Rcasanssce, Punjab Gwcr~c1E~1ra) 1958 yagc 1494.
  5. For Slalcmcnl ofObjccts and Rcasonssee, Punjab Gwcr~c(Exrra.) 1904, pages 935-
    Whethcr repealed or othe1wise
    affected by legislation
    Amended by Punjab Act VI of 1936′
    Amended by the Indian Inde-PUNIAB NURSESREGIS- 11932 :Pb. Act I
    and to secure their better training, and whereas the previous sanction of
    the Governor-Ggneral under section 80-A the Government of India Act
    has been obtained; It is hereby enacted as follows :-
  6. (1) ThisAct maybe ~alledthe PunjabNurses Registration Act,
    (2) Jt extends to ‘Punjab.
    (3) It shalI come into force on such date2 as the J[State]
    Government may notify in this behalf.
    short tide,
    exlent and
    context :-
    Definitions. 2. In this Act, unless thereis anythingrepugnant in the subjector
    (a) ” Council” means the ‘[Punjab] Nurses Registration
    Council establishedunder section 3 ;
    0 “dai” menas any person whether following a hereditary
    occupation or not, who ordinarilypractices midwifery for I
    gain and who has not passed any of the examinations in

‘midwiferyrecognized by the CounciI ;

3[(c)”health’visitor” means a person who has obtained the Health
Visitor’s Certificatefrom any Health School, institution
or examining body recognized in this behalf by the
Council or onewho has been registered undersub-section
(2) ofsection 14 ; ‘.
(d) “midwife” means any person who has obtained a
certificate or diploma of midwifery from any institution
or examiningbody recognized bythe Councilin hisbehalf
or one who has been registered under sub-section (2) of
section 14 ;

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