Dadan Labourer, Employer

Be it enacted by the Legislature of @e SQte of
Orissa in the Twenty-sixth Year of the Republic of
India, as follows :-
I. (I) This Act may be called the Orissa Dadan Short title,
cxtcnt and
Labour (Control and Regulation) Act, 1975.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Orissa,
(3) It shall coma in to force2 on such date as the
Statc Government may, by ~gF-$cation,appoint and
different dates may be appbinted for different provi-
sions of this Act.

  1. In this Act, unless the cont,exotherwiseregu$es,-
    ., 7.
    (a) ogent ” means a person .who re- ‘ ‘
    cmitq dnda,n 09 behalf of an
    employer for any work carried on out-
    side ‘the St? re af Orissa and iqcludes a con-
    tractor, sub-contractor,Khatadar, Sardar
    and persois with similar deignation who
    make such recruitment;
    (b) “chief I~~spector”rncaas the Chief Inspec-
    tor appointed under section 13;
    (c) “CompetentAuthority”~ansa Competent-
    Authority appointed under section 12;
    +–.- —
    I. For Szarcmenl of Objects md Rcasans see On- Gazerre, Ex(modinary,
    daicd the 171h Match,.1975 ( NO.496 ).
  2. Came into rorcewithcff+t from the 1st January 1976-VideS. R.Q.
    Np.983175 dsttd the 18th Drr~mber,1975 published in thc ?;ha Gazct,r$.
    EXttaorditwy datcd thc 25th December, 1975 ( No. 2027);
    801 ,,
    [ 101- 73(a) Law 1THEORISSADADANLAROUR [Or.Act
    (d) “dadan labourer” means a person recruited
    onthe basis of a contract (cithcr cxpross or
    implied) froln the State of Orissa for doing
    any skilled, semi-skilled or un-skilled
    manual work outside the State;
    (e) “employer” means the pcrson for whom a
    dadan labourer is under the terms of an
    agreement (either express or irnplied),
    bound to work;
    (f) “establishment” in relation to an agent
    means the place or places where arly records
    relating to the agency are kept;
    (g) ”In~pe~tor”rn~an~an inspector appointed
    under tbis Act.
    (h)”prescribed” means prescribed by lzrlcs made
    under this Act;
    (i) “registering authorjty” means he register-
    ing authority appointed under section 3;
    (j) ccregi~tfationcertificate” mcans tIle certific-
    ate of registration granted under section 5;
    (k) Ccrules”means rules made under this Act.
    of registering
    authority. ed in the Official Gazette- ,
    ~ppainlment : 3. The State Government may, by an’order nolifi-

authority shall exercise the powers confer-
(a) appoint an officer or officers, as they think
fit. to be registering authorities for t]le
purposes,of ,this Chapter; and
. red on him by or utlder this.Act.
NO won10
acl as agefit
(b)definethe limits, within which

  1. No ‘person shaII, after ihe comn~enccrne~~t of
    ,~thodrcgi-this Act, act as an agent without being registered as
    stnii~n. such and except under and in accordance with n regi-
    stration certificate issued in that behalf,
  2. (1) Every zgent who is acting as such imme-
    diately prior to the commencement of this Act shall
    make an application within sixty days from the said
    date, to the registering authority in the prescribed
    manner for his registration:
    ofagcnts.42 of.19751 (CONI’ROLANI)REGULATION)A~T,~~ 893 .provided that the registering authority may entertain any such application for registration after expiry of the said period,if it isstaisfied tbatthe applkant was prevented by sufficient cause from making the applicatinn in time. (2) Any person who desires to act as an agent may also make an application for his registration to the rezistcring nuthority in thc pres cribed manner. (3) Every application for registration shaIl be made in suchform and shaIl be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed and shall be presented in I. the -office.’of the registering authority.’ (4)’ Where the application for registration is corbplete In a11 respects, the registering authority shall register the zgent and issue to the agent a ccrtilicate of registration containing such particulars as may be prescribed and slzall enter the particulars relating to the’ agcnt as contained in the application for rcgktration in – a rcgisiel. to be maintained in the prescribed form. (5) A registration certificate shall be valid till the end of a calender year dzr ring which it is issued and may be renewed for aperiod of one year on presen- tation of an applicatioil to the registering authority in such form ,and on payment-of such’fees as’ may be prescribed and every such application shall be presented not less t llan two months before the expiry of the registration certificate : Provided that the registering authority may entcrtain an application for the renewal of a regis- ti’ation certscate arter the last date for presentation of the application if the application is made before the expiry of the registration cetificate and is accom- panied by an additional fee eqalto twenty-five per-
    cent of the fees for renewal.

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