Government Land, Revenue Officer, Tahasildar

BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Orissa
in the Thirteenth Year of the Republjc of India,
as follows :-
I. (I) This Act may be caIIed the Orissa Govern-shodtitle,
ment Land Settlement Act, 1962.
extent and
(2) It shall extend to the whole of the State ofmentm
(3) This section shaU come into force at once
and the remaining provisions of this Act shall come
into force2 on such date as Government may, by
notificatioa, appoint in tbat behalf.

  1. In this Act udess the Context otherwiseD&jtion,.
    3[(a)’Co llectr~r’ shalI include an Additional
    District Magistrate;j
    ‘[(aa))’Government’ means the State Government
    of Orissa ;
    (b) ‘Government Imd’ means any waste land
    belonging to Government, whether cultivab1c or not,
    recorded as House-site, Anabadi, Chot Jungle, Paratan
    patit, Nutan patit, Parityakta Bedakhali ‘[,Gochar]
    or by any other description, whatsoever ;
    (c) ‘prescribed’ means prescribed by mles made
    under this Act.
  2. For the Srntemenl OF Objets and Rwons, see Orissa Gazette,
    Extraordinary, datcd the 1 lth Scpftmbcr1962 (No. 463 ).
  3. S~c~ions2 to 9camc into force with effectfrom tho 1st January 1963,
    vide v~tifi-mtin No. 43-GD (GI) -425!a-R., dated the 1st January 1965,
    publishd m Or~ssctGazerre, Ertraord~nary, dated the 1st Janunry 1965,
    (No. I 1.
    3- inscrled by thc Orissa Government Land SettIement (Amendment
    and Validation) Act, 1974 (Or. Act 5 of 1974). s.2 (a) w. c, f, 1-2-1974,
  4. Remmbcrcd biibid.,w. c. 1. 1-2-1974.
  5. Inxrled by tbe Orjssa Government Land Selllemt~L(mdmrotsod
    Vdidatjon) Act, 1975 (Or.Act 48 of 1975), s.2.TBB O~WSAGOV~RNMENT LAND [ Or. Ad
    1 [(d)’Revenue Mcer”means any officerappoint-
    4aa such by the Government to discharge any
    of the functions of a Rwtnue mcer under the pro- orim kt
    visions ofthe Orissa Land Reforms Act, 1960;
    (e) ‘Tahasildar’ includes an Additional
    ond uIU*
    16 OF19~1.
  6. 2[(1)]Notdthstanding anything to the contrary
    mat of inany law or any custom, practice or usage having the
    zg”mcaforceof law Government shall not be deemed to be
    debarred from exercising all or any of the following
    powers in respect of Government lands, namely :-
    (a) to reserve such portion of the lands as they
    deem proper for the purpose of being
    used as house-sites or for any communal
    or industrial purpose or for any other
    purpose whatsoever ;
    (b) to charge premium for settlement of any
    such land ;
    (c) to charge rent for the lands. so settled ;
    (6)to charge fees on applications for settle-
    ment of Iands and such other fees as
    may be necessary for or incidental-to the
    disposal of such application at such rates
    as may be.prescribed and all such fees
    shall be payable inthe prescribed manner ;
    [(e) to authoris any oficer of Government
    not below the rank of a Tshsildar to
    dis ose of applications for settlement
    of /’ands and to settle the same in such
    manner as may be prescribed and subject
    to theprovisions of sub-sections (2) and
    ‘[Provided that no Government Iand recorded
    ,as Gochar shall be reserved for any purpose men-
    tioned in clause a) or settled under clause (e) without
    being de-resexve6 in accordance wit11 the provisions
    contained in section 3-A.]

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