Tahasildar, Encroachment

BEit enactid by the Legislaire bf the State of
Orissa in tha Tw0n.t~-second-Year.of tbe Republic of
India, as follows ‘:-
extent and
tion of Land Encroachment Act, 1972,
,I.,(I)This Act may be called the Orjssa Preven- short tillc.
. ,.
(2) It shall extend to the &ole of the State of mmt.
Orissa,:. ‘
(3) It-shall be’dbemed ‘to . have, come into force
with effect’fro’&the 29th day of October 1954.

  1. Subject to he provision of anl law for the p,,p,,l, ,r
    time being in-force, the following classes of lands are ~owmmcnt.
    hereby declared to be,the property of ‘Governmentfor
    the p’urposes6f this Act, namely’ :-‘ ‘ –



  • (a) aIl public. roads, streets, . Iwes and paths,
    the bridges, ditches, dikes and fences, on or
    .beside -the sama – the bed of the sea and
    of harbours and creeks below high water
    mark and ‘of rivers, streams, nalas, lakes
    ,. ,and-tanksand a11 canals and,,water courses
    -and’all standing and flowhg water and all
    .. –
    . .., lands’includingtimple’ ,sites, hduse sites or
    . backyardswherever situated, save in so far
    as’the-same are ,the’ property-‘ 1
    ‘ .(i) of any Ruler of an Indian State merged
    with ‘the s&&’ of Odssa, “Zamindar,
    C ] Khorpashdar . . or
    .4 * .*
    . .
    Proprietor, Sub-Propiietdr, Landlord,
    2[ * * ] Jagirdai; 3c ‘. Inarndar,
  • 1. For ktatcnient ofObjects and ~casons.sce0i;isu Gozerle, Extra
    0rdioary,datdthe4thJanuary 1972 ~o.JS).-, -‘,. ,
  1. The words and commas “~a~guzar, PoIigar. ~ittadar,”omitted by
    the Orissa Prcvcntion of Land Encroachment (Amcndmt) Act, 1974 (Or.
    ~ct4 of 1975). 5.2 (0 la).
  2. rhe word .and comma “Shrotriemadar,” omitted by ibid. .
  3. Thcword cfnd comma “Ilaquedar,” omitted by ibid. . . T~EORISSAPREVENTIONOF [Or. Act
    :aay,other-t&m 1 h6l.h~-o~$pyperson
    claiming through br hofdpg. uqder .
    ahp~fi’t’he~;- OP
    -.. ,-
    (ii) bf hdyi $.g$p:>p.q@g sdbt”.katt’~badi,
    jodi po%ppllor quit-rent to any of
    thoa or&&-p~trms!c;, OD. . . , . .
    (ik) ‘of any., raipt&ri
    tenure 0.r in any way subject-,tothe
    p@kW:o? cegl ‘or ady ~thef~dug
    dire&’t&GoMdaf;'(oi . .
    (v) of any other person holding..1md~
    qder paqt- from. Government,ofher-
    undtbap, by,way of.-l~ib~i%;lf , .-?’1

    ,(@.l?p;d-,b&hngingtb or vestiik;in ..eny.bC,?i
    ~ut’ort~ ‘whidi,is-us%* of.ihtdnde’fl-‘ to be
    used for any-publ ic purpose siich”& ;a’rbad,
    ‘ ea~WhllwrdC:tank:ad :ihdt!)or for
    .),” ,
  • -.
  • – . . .,..
    .;,,-a&: AaqgiSitii~fi kt;:: ,1:894;,-or under ‘Ofl*’
    , . ,,-
  • tabircpai~’rmai~t~anDe’dh~h road, .gn&, @b@l(tndntj;tsnli .or:.~&iC; (,4 it I’ h:rSWtoryBody in their favciirr..; ad’ or G~atiolh.; WIremains as
    .,ithe.-, p?p$$Y* .off.the, Lacab., Authority
    -![ * :fZcAMay.owhe4ofioontrb11ed by the
    :~t;itb.doyiirpmnt, ~hbbryBody or
    (ej1:hd?a~.q~irecferthmprh~kansofthe ,skaibaiGe& ft:!hb:pwpmeHmy Local
    ..&u~PF&, 3&%]&g@~w~SY~d:~r ControlI-
    mmov&~&’pfbpertylclairned by tb Rulers
    . . ed&~.k&&%Go.
    I. The Word “or “~mitredby thc Orissa Pre~eiitlbmnd~kncroach:- ., o&hmwgd:….terrdbiescbut:Ift9Ef:con~ded nrcnl (Amendt)JActiilW4~Qr;.MA:of i1979i,s,-2~(Q:{b)., . . . , (i)’ any State q~vmment,OF.a Depart- ment-of- such-;~&v~ea . . t;. , :. .(iii) a corporat’4~ntqblishc@by law which is pa~ed,wnFrolle4. er-l:rnmaged by anystate .. – >. G’oyarnme4t! … ., ‘-~lq~ratio?&Xn-‘ .this;sedo r4~i&Qwtermark” mea& -thehightsb pointr: r;ea&e$by,prdiaary spring- tides itt::any season of.the year.:- . . ,< . :[3.,Iq-tPis AG~,!?,le$$ .!hh con!@ otherwiseIMBNO
    (a). f~oll~ctor?” , rneaprv:,ills: GhieF Officer in
  • charge of -fhe reyenu? zdmfki&ration of a
    -.-.:- district and shill1 include:-=.Additional.

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