State Land Development Bank, Primary Land Development Bank, Trustee,
Small Farmer

An Act to fadlitate the yorking of Co-operative
‘[Land Development Banks] in the S[State of
Tamil Nadu].
1 These words were substituted for the word “Madras” by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
1969,which came into force on the 14th January 1969.
1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Fort St. George
Gazette, dated the 7th February 1933–Part IV, pages 20-22.
This Act was extended tothe merged State of Pudukkottai by
section 3 of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Merged
States (Laws) Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of 1949).
This Act was extended to the .Kany.&umari district and the
Shencottah taluk of the Tlrunelvel~d~strictby section 3 of, and the
Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Territory) Extension of
~awsAct, 1957(TmjlNadu Acr XXII of 1957), repealing the wrrts-
pending law In force In that territory.
So much of this Act as was in force on the date of the commence
mant of the Tamil Nadu (Added Temtories) Extension of Laws Act,
1962 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 1962) in the State of Madras except in
the added territories was extended to the added terntones by sec-
tion 3 of, and the First Scheduleto, the latter Act.
r These words were substituted for t!e words “Tamil Nadu
Co-operative Land Mortgage Banks Act by section 2 (3) of the
Tamil Nadu Co-operative Land Mortgage Banks(Amendmbnt)Act,
1969 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 1969).
4 Theso words were substituted for the words ‘* Land Mortgage
Banks “by section 2 (I), Ibid.
r This expression was .substituted for the expression “
of Madras9by tho Tam11Nad Adaptation of Laws Or=
which wasdccmodto have come mtoforceon the 14th JanuarylP69.

  • The preamble was omitted b section 2 (2) of tho Tad Nadp
    Cwperat~veLand Mortgage Bad (Amendment)Act, 1969 (J’d
    Nadu Act 14 of 1969).w+w2
    424 co-operative Land [la:T.N. Act X
    Development Banks
    Short title.
  1. This Act may be called the ‘[Tamil Nadu Co-
    operative Land Development Banks Act], 1934.
  2. It extends to the whole of the l[State of Tamil
    Definitions. 3. Tn this Act, unless thcrc is anything repugnant
    in the subject or c~ntcst-
    ((1) ‘Board’ means the Boarcl of Directors of the
    s(Srate Land Dcvclopmcnt Bank);
    ‘[(b)’Stxtc Lanci Dcvelc,pmcnt Bank’ means the
    .6Tamli Nadu Co-opcmr i~ l: State Ln~ldDevelopment
    Bank, Lilnlted”;]
    (c) ‘commitlec’ means in relation to the
    L[r:inin~! Incldc\clopmcnt bank], the Board of L)lrcci(>~.\o, Boarcl of Miinag~rncntor [hepnchayat or the commit lcc: of nl:rl~ngenicntor thc governing body lo .+?-,om111c~nanag(:nicll(of its affairc IS entrusted ; _. – – –— I Thc wo,i(s’T,\ril Niulu’ w1.e suhsttttcdfor Ilic word ‘Madras’ ,II the sIis)lt t~t’eby thc l”t1111l NClduAdni~tdtlonof Laws Order, 1069, nmcndcd hy the T.irnll Nddu Adaptallon of Law3 (Second \rncndn1cnl) Occlcr, 1969, ntlN.itlu CO-O~C~~L~IVL’ Land Mortgage Banks Act” by
    \c.ctci,n 2 (3) ol thc’rnm~lN,ltlu Co-operative L,cirici Mortgage Banks
    (,\mcntlmc~l~)hut, 1969 (T.lrn11Nadrr Act 14 of 1969).
    Th15c\ple\slon was sr~b\titiltcdfor the cxp~ession”Presidency
    of iMadr,r\” by ll~eTam11N:rdtr AGaptatron of Laws Order, 1970,
    which w,i\ tlcc~ncdto have come Into force on

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