Information, Right to Information

ArT No. 24 OF 1997.
An Acr to in~llicp/’osision for .,c~curing the riglzt to infortilation in the Sfate oj
Totirli Ncrc114 mtl for nauttt~srelating thereto.
WHEREAS it 1s necessary thi0.t every Governmental actic!n should be transparent
to the ptrblic ;
AND WHEREAS to achieve this object, every citizen should be able to get
i~lfsrz~ationfrclnl the G,vel.nmunt;
BE jt e:l,~ctedby the Lcgisli,tive Assembly cf the State of Tdlnil Nbdu in the Fc rty-
eig1:th Year of the !<eptrblic of India as follows:-

  1. (I? Thin Act inay be called the Tan~ilNadu Right to Information Act, s~title,~and ~~
    (2) It sllall ci~lte into force st once.
  2. In this Act, u~llesstile context otherwise requires, –
    (1) “Coinpetent authority” means any authority, officer nct below the rank
    ofDeputy Collector or an Officerof an equivalent grade and abcve empowered by
    the Government by ~.iotificstion,to be the competent authority for the purpose of
    (2) ” Govertlment” ineans the State Government ;
    (3) “information ” includes copy of any document relating to the affairs
    nf the State or any local or c ther authorities constituted under any Act for the time
    being in force or a statntory authority or a company, corp2ration or a co-operative
    society or any oga~lisationowned or controlled by tlze Government.
  3. (1) Every person bsnafide requiring information may have access to Right of BCEat.0
    suc’~illformation in accordance with the procedure specified under this Act.
    (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (I), no person shall
    be given information relating to-
    tieliberation ;
    ((I) inforlnation releting to defence security ;
    (b) infori~latio11 wiiose disclosilre will prejudice the security, integrity
    and sovereignity of the Nation and the State ;
    (c) information whose disclosure would harm the conduct of inter-
    national relations or affairs ;
    (d) information received in confidence from fc reign Governnlents, foreign
    courts or international organisations ;
    (e) inforlnation whose disclosure would harm the frankness and candour
    of internal disr:ussion, including :-
    {i) proceedings of Cabinet and C;:binet coii~mittees;
    (ii) irlternal opinion, advice, recommendations, consultation and
    to rejected policy options ;
    (iv) confidential communications between departments, pubh
    bodies a r~dregtiIatory bcdles ;
    5ii: r)t^i~~ti~iis and r:ssrrmptions relating tc internal policy analysis;
    :~ll:.lysis~f alternative policy cpticns and information relating 78


— –..

(f ) iilformatipn relati% to c$nfirlential communic:!tic 16b’:Ivrc , . tcrs

and the Governor ;

(y) information wllose disclosure would preiudicr: tl~c ndlni~!’ :Yliur~ . .
of jkstice, including f.iir trial and the elzforcelnent clrprbpcr &.-,. ?,.rs-
tration of tile luv~;
(h) il~fonilatic1l\/;lose disclosure would prej~rdice leg – 1 171( :-:ditw
or the proceedings of any tribunq.1, prlbl~cinquiry ~trIthe: rcnn;il
investigation (wlrether actual or likely) cr whose disclc~strreis, 112s
been or is likely to be addressed in the context of sucl~proceedings ;
(i) information covered by legal professic)nalprivileye ;
(i) information whose disclosure would prcjdiccthe prevention, i~ivcsti- g,ltior~or detection of crime, the ;rpprerzesion01 olYertders ;
(k) i1lforri1:~tionwhose disclosure would bar-rn plrblic safety or pirblic
order ;
(I) inforr~zationwiwse disclosure wolrld eitd:~ngertllc life ur. .yrlcdl
safety of any person, or identify the source of i~zforinationor a>>nst,~nce
given in confidence for law enfcrcen~e~lt cr security I)IL~ICS

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