Corporation, Council, Municipal Council, Municipality

An Act to provide for the establishment of a Municipal Corporation
for the City of Thoothukudi.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu In the Fifty-ninth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Thoothultudi City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008.
    (2) It extends to the city of Thoothukudi.
    (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
    notification, appoint.
  2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
    (a) “city of Thoothukudi” or “city” means the local area comprised in the
    Short title.
    extent and
    after the date of the
    Thoothukudi municipality and includes any local area which,
    nil Nadu
    commencement of this Act, is included in the city but does not include any local area
    which, after such date of the commencement of this Act, is excluded from the city;
    (b) “corporation” means the municipal corporation of Thoothukudi constituted
    under section 3;
    (c) “council” means the council of municipal corporation of Thoothukudi;
    (d) “date of the commencement of this Act” means the date specified
    under sub-section (3) of section 1;
    (e) “Government” means the State Government;
    (9 “municipal council” means the municipal council of Thoothukudi Municipality;
    (g) “municipality” means the Thoothukudi Municipality;
    (h) “Scheduled ;astes” and “Scheduled Tribesn shall have the meaqings
    respectively assigned to them in clauses (24) and (25) of Article 366 of th,e
    (2) All words and expressions used in this Act and not defined but defined in
    :I 25 of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 (hereinafter referred to as the 1981
    18 1 Act), shall have the meaningr:, respectively, assigned to them in the 1981 Act.
  3. (1) With effect on and from the date of the commencement of this Act, the local Establishment
    area included in the Thoothukudi municipality shall constitute the city of Thoothukudi of municipal
    for the purposes of this Act and from such date of the commencement of this Act, a corporation
    municipal corporation shall be deemed to have been established for the said city by ‘0’ the city
    the name of Thoothukudi City Municipal Corporation: of
    Provided that the Government may, from time to time, after consultation with the
    corpor:~tion, by notification, alter the limits of the c’ty constituted under this sub-section
    so ;ISto includo therein or to excludo therefrom the areas specified In the notification:
    Provided further that the power to issue a notification under this sub-section shall
    be subject to ~reviouspublication.
    (2) The corporation shall, by the said name, be a body corporate, having perpetual
    succession and a common seal with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property
    and to enter into contracts and may by its corporate name, sue and be sued.
    (3) The Thoothukudi municipality, functioning immedi: tely before the date of the
    commcnccrncnt of [his Act, shall be deemed to have beon abolished from such late
    of the commencement of this Act. dunlcipal 4. The municipal authorities charged with carrying out the provisions of this Act
    authorltles, shall be, –
    (1) a mayor;
    (2) a council;
    (3) a standing committee;
    (4) a wards committee; and
    (5) a comm~ss~one~ .
    3nstitutior. of 5. (1) Save as otherwise provided in sut-section (Z), the council shall consist of
    such number of councillors elected in the manner laid down ~nthls Act as may be flxed
    by the Government, by notification, from time to time, so, however, that the total number
    of councillors of the council shall not exceed seventy-two at any tlme.
    (2) The following persons shall also be represented in the council, namely:-
    (a) the members of the House of the People representing constituencies
    which corrrprise wholl) or partly the area of the corporatlon and the members of the
    Council of States reglstered as electors within the area of the corporation;
    (b) all the members of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly representing
    constituencies which comprise wholly or partly the area of the corporation.
    (3) The persons referred to in sub-section (2) shall be entitled to take part in
    the proceedings but shall not have the right lo vote in the meetlngs of the council.
    (4) Seats shall be reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes
    and the Scheduled Tribes in the council and the number of seats so resewed shall
    bear, as nearly as may be, thr same proportion to the total number of seats to be filled
    by direct election in the council as the population of the Scheduled Castes in the city
    or of the Scheduled Trlbes in the city bears to the total population of the city.
    (5j Seats shall be reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and
    the Scheduled Tribes, from among the seats reserved for the persohs belonyng to the
    Scheduled Castes and the Sched~ledTrlbes, which shall not be less than one-third
    of the total number of seats reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes
    and the Schectuled Tribes.
    (6) Seats shall be reserved for women in the council and the number of seats
    reserved for women shall not be less than one-third including the number of seats
    reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trlbes of the
    total number of seats in the council.
    (7) The reservation of seats under sub-sections (4) and (5) shall cease to have
    effect on the expiry of the period specified in Article 334 of the Constitution.
    ‘ I apply.
    tion of 6. (1) The corporation, unless sooner dissolved, shall cov:~nuefor five years from
    poration the date appointed for its first meeting after each ordinary electlon and no longer and
    the said period of f~veyears shall operate as a dissolution of the corporatlon.
    (2) An election to constitute the corporation shall be completed,-
    (a) before the expiry of its duration speclfled In sub-sect~on(1); or
    (b) before the explrat~onof a period of six months fr~, ‘he date, of its
    Provided that where the remainder of the period for wh~chthe d~ssolvedcorporatlon
    would have continued, is less than six months, it shall not be necessary to hold any
    electlon, under this s I!. ;?ctlon for constituting the corporatlon for such period.
  4. (1) Subject to the prov~sionsof sub-sections (2) and (3),th~Tam11Nadu D~strlct Tam11Nadu *cl
    ct Munic~palitiesAct, 1920 (heremafter referred to as the “D~strlctMurl~c~pal~t~es Act.’) shall,
    “pallties with effect on and from the date of the commencement of thls Act, cease to apply to
    the local area comprised w~thlnthe c~tyof Thoothuku.

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