Validate Orders, Land Requisition and Acquisition, Creation of Better Lining

An Acr to validare cerrait~orders nlark by rlte First Lnrrrl Acqttisiriotf
Collector; Calcrrtro, rwder nib-sectio~r(I) of scc~ion3 of tI~eWest
Bengal Land (Reqrrisirion atrd Acqrrisiriotr)Acr, 1948.
WHEREASit is expedient lo validate certain orders made by the First
Land Acquisilion Collecror, Calcutla, under su b-section (1) of section 3
of the West BengaI Land (Requisilion and Acquisilion) Act, 1948,
requisitioning lands in Calcurta for hepurpose ofcreation of bclter living
condi~ionsin certain areas in Calcutta by [he construclion or
reconsmction of dwelling placcs for people residing in such areas;
11 ishereby enacted in [he Sixteenth Year of [heRepublic of India, by
kc Lcgislaturc ofWest Bengal, as follows:-

  1. This Acl may be called the West Bengal Land (Requisilion and
    Acquisirion) (Validation of Ordcrs) Act, 1965.
  2. 1n this Acr, Ihe expressions “Calcutta” and “[he Firs1 Land
    Acquisition Colleclor, Calcutta” have lhe same meaning as in [he Wesl
    Bengal Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Act, 1948.
  3. Norwjrhslanding anything lo the contray contained in any olher
    law, all orders under sub-sec~ion(1) of scction 3 OF the West Bengat
    Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Acl, 1948 (hcrcaher in [his section
    referred to LS the said Act), made after the commencemenr of the Wcst
    Bcngnl Land (Requisilion and Acquisilion) (Amendment) Ac!, 1964. by
    by the Finr
    =lion (1) of ‘
    scccion 3 af .
    \Vcsc Ben.
  4. the First Land Acquisition Colleclor, Calcutta, purporting to acr on rhe
    authorisalion made by the Srale Government under sub-section (1A) of
    section 3 of the said Act by the Govcmment of West Bengal, Depunmenr
    of Lilnd and Land Revenue (Land Acquisilion) nolificaiion No. 19754-
    L.A., datcd thc 22nd November, 1963(hereafter in his secljon rererrcd
    to as lhc said nolification), for requisilioning lands in Calculra Tor [he
    purpose of crealion of bcltcr living condi~ionsin certain areas in Calcutu
    by the consrruction orreconsrruclion of dwelling places forpeople residing
    in such areas shall be and shall be deemed lo havc always been as valid
    as if-
    (a) thesaid notification had been issued by [heSrate G~vernmenr
    after thc commencement of [he West Bengal Land
    (Requisilion and Acquisition) (Amendment) Act, 1964,and
    ‘For Stnremcnr of Objccls and Reaqan~..we (he C~~CIIII~ Go:rlte. firmorr/inuq:
    Pan1VA allhe 131h lanuiry. 1965. page 96: for pmcccdingsor thc iVutBcngal Ltgislnlive
    Asscrnbly, scu 11icprocccdingsuTthc mwting of thar AsscrnbIy hcld on 10th, 1965.
    %e whole Act cnmc into Toxc on Ihc 19thM~rcli,1965.
    Shon titic.
    1948.Tlre Wes!Bargal hr~d(Reqrrisi~ioriarld Acqitisiliotl)
    (Valiclalionof Orders)Act, 1965.
    [West Ben. Act III of 1965.1
    (Section 4.)
    (b) the First LandAcquisilion Collector,Calcuna, had been duly
    aulhorised by the Slare Government to make such orders
    under sub-section (IA) of section 3 of [he said Acl;
    and no such orders and no aclion raken or thing done in pursuance of
    such orders, shall be called in queslion merely on [he ground [hat the
    First Land Acquisition Collcctor, CaIculla, was not duly autharised by
    the Slate Government lo rn.ake such orders.
  5. The West Bengal Land (RequisitionandAcquisition)(Validarion IVesrBcn.
    , —
    or Orders) Ordinance, 1964, is hereby repealed.

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