The British Medical Act, Registered Practitioner, Doctor

An Act for the Registration of Medical Proctih’oners.
W~~EREA~ it is expedient to provide for the registration ofcertain
medical practitionersm ‘[Haryanq]. It is,herebyenactedas follows :-
I. (I) This Act may be called the Punjab Medical Registration
Act, 1916.
(2) Itextendsto'[Haryana].

  1. Tbeprovisions of section 4 shall come into force on such
    ‘date as the ‘[State] Government may notify in this behalf The rest of
    this Act shall come into force at once.
  2. In this Act unless there is something repugnant in the
    subject or context –
    (I) ‘;The British Medical Acts” means Statutes 21 and 22,
    victoria, Chapter90 (The Medical kt),and any amending
    the same ;
    . . (2) “~ouncil”means the Medical Council established by this
    Act ;

  3. ::
    means any person registered
    -, ,
    (3) “Prescribed” means presgiidby deor bye-laws m-.
    u@lerthis.~ct; :.. .- , ,

    4: Notwithstanding’anythhgto the contrary in any
    enactment, iule, bye-law or any other provision of law –
    (1) no certificate requirgd by $ny Act in force, or that may
    hereafter be passed, from aniedical practitioner or officer
  4. shall be did-uhlesssignedmbya registered practitioner ;
    (4). “Registered
    und&the provisi;qs, of-thisAct.
  1. Substituted for the word :’Punjab” by the HaymaAdaptation of Laws (Stalc
    and Concnrrmt Subjects) Ordcr, 1968.
  2. The provisions of sec tion 4 came into force an the 1st January, I 918,-vide
    Purgd Gazette(Home-Medicai)notificationNo. 1M93, datdthe 27th August,
  3. Substitutedfor the vidrd “Frovincial” bythe Adaprationof Laws Order 1950.
    . .
    I919.(2) exceptwith the specialsanction ofthe ‘[State] Government
    no one other than a registered practitioner shall be
    competent to hold any appointment as physician, surgeon
    of other medical officer in any hospital, asylum,-mfirmary,
    dispensay or lying-in hospital not supported entirely by
    voluntary con~butionsor as medical officer of health.
  4. (1) A Medical Council shall be established for 6[Haryana],
    and shall cdnsist of ‘[seven] members including a president and a Constitution of
    vice-president to be appointed in the followhg manner :-
    Medical Council.
    (a) The president nominated by the ‘[State] Govmnt.
    ‘[(b) Three members nominated by the State Government.
    (c) Threemembers electedby tbe regirtwedpractitionerswho
    are Graduates in Medicine of any University in India.]
    2 The vice-president-shall be elected from among the
    members ofthe Council in the prescribed mannlr.
  5. Noperson shall be eligiile to be a mimber of the Council
    unless he is a registered practitioner : Qualificationsof
    Pr~,videdthat m the case of fist appointmentsddeunder this members-
    Act theipersoa eleding the.members under clauie 4* * * [(c)] of
    subsection (1) of section 5 :and-the members appointed shall be
    persons who are qualified to be registered under clauses (a) and (b)
    ofsection 13.
  6. The members . ,-.:.. of. ,&Council shall hold office for a tern
    his seat
    Cessation of
    registrar ;
    of three $ars and shall be eligible f& re-a&ointment. ,
    (I) on sending his resignation in writing to the president or mabaship-
  7. ‘ . A. . rhemb&’ ofthe dqqncil~shall .. .- be deemedto hive vacated ofmmlbas.
    (2) on his absence’without excuse sufficientin the opinion of
    I. Subsdtuted for the word “Rovincial”bythe AdaptationoTLaws Ordcr, 1968.
  8. Substituted for theword “eleven” by l-Iaryana Adaptation of Laws (State and
    Concmcnt Subjects) Order. 1968.
  9. Substituted fortbe.oldclausebyPunjabAct 120f 1926.seclion2 andfurher
    snbstimtedby Haryma Act 17 of 1989.
  10. The brackets and lctter “‘(c)” omittdbythe Indian Independence (Adaplation
    of Bcngal and PunjabActs) Order, 1948.
  11. Substituted by Haryana Act 17 of 1989.
  12. Substituted for the word “Punjab” by the HaryanaAdaptation of Laws (State
    and Concurrent subjects) Order, 1968.MEDICAL KECflSTW1ON I1916 :Pb. ,Adfl
    the Council from three consecutive meetings … of
    the Council ;
    (3) on his absence out of lndia for six cowecutive
    months ;
    4 onremoval of his nameftom the register ;
    (5) on his becoming insane or being declared an
    insolvent by any cordpetent court
    (6) on expiry ofthe tenii’rnenti~n~din section 7:

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