Consumer, Energy, Licensee, Electricity

This ~c,i’ma~ be called the Punjab Electricity Duty) ALC, shorttitic,

  1. extent and
  2. For Statement ofObjects and,Rcasons,see Pirrljab Govel-nnrerlr Gazate
    (Extraordinary), 1958, pange495.
  3. For Slatement of 0hjccts and Kcasons,scc Prrrrjob Gove~.rr~~~enr Gnzt?le
    (Extraordinary). 1959, page 2S1.
  4. For Slaternen( of Objects and Reasons, see Airdab Gavel-ntaear Gn=dle
    (Extraordinary), 1363, page 444.
  5. For S~atemenrof Objects and Kcasons,see Pstgnb Gover-~~tr~enr C;nze te
    (Exuaordinaty). 1964, pages 935-37.
  6. See Haryana Govcm~enlGazene (Exrraordinary). da~ed291hOclober. 191S.
  7. For S1atrmc.111uf Ohjecls and Reasons. set. Hrrr>.n~,t,C;lli~c~rrer~r C;rr:rr IP
    (Esh-aordiuary).dated the 2nd luly, 1974, pagc 927.240
    11958 : Ph. Act 10
    f2j I[ exrends lo the ivholc of the State of ‘(Ha~-~;lnaj.
    (-3) It shall comc inlo force nn ~11eIs1 day of April, 1958.
  8. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requircs,Z

    (0)”Board”means ;he Punjnb $[ale Electricity Board . .. .
    constitutedunder Chapter111of the Electricity (Supply)
    Act. 1948,mdincludes~he’StateGovemrnenlwhen ,,:,
    engaged in the business of supplying energy :
    Provided that until the Punjab State Electricity Board is so
    constituted, the Board iha11meanthe’Slate Government
    (b) “consumer” means a person, oihcr than a licensee who
    is supplied with en
    (i) by a licensee ;or
    (ii) by the ‘Board.;
    (c) “energy” means electrical enersy ;
    (d) “licensee”means any person I iccnsed under Part II of
    the Indian Elecrrici~yAct, 1910, lo supply energy, and
    [i) any person who has obtaincd the sanction in that
    behalf of – the ‘Srae Government under section 28
    of that Act ;and
    ‘[(ii) the Delhi Stale Elect~icilyBoard or the Municipal
    Corporation of el hi from’thcdateit isestablished,
    or ‘[any State Government other than the .., ,
    Government of 3[~arya~a]to,whom energy is
    supplied for consumption or resale ;]

    I. Substitutedand always deemcd to have beensubsritgred for clause (ii) byPunjab
    Act 16 ~f 1959.
  9. Substituted rnr the words “any Slate Govrn~meur”by Punjab Act 11 of 1963,

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